Tag: training course
Training course for colleagues from Indonesia
The first part of the training was held from September 29 to October 11, 2019 in Odessa, Ukraine «Fate and behaviour of radionuclide in marine environment, Advanced of emergency preparedness...
Training: “Methods of radiochemical analysis of 90Sr, 234U, 235U, 238U in ambient samples
Client: IAEA Objective: training activity on the basis of the Chornobyl Center 2-weeks Training Course for specialists from Armenia was organized within the implementation of the Technical Cooperation Program with...
Training: “Radioactive waste disposal. Engineering barriers in RAW management. Assessment of risks. Measurement of radionuclides”
Client: The National Nuclear Energy Agency, Indonesia. Objective: training activity on the basis of the Chornobyl Center. Preparation and agreement of the Training program with the Client, organizational, technical, financial...
Specialists from Armenia completed training at the Chornobyl Center
A two-week training course ‘Methods of radiochemical analysis of 90Sr, 234U, 235U, 238U in the environmental samples’ was held in the training center of the Chornobyl Center for the specialists...
Conducted Trainings
No. Training course title Date of performance Country of participants, the Customer Number of participants 1. The IAEA train-the-trainers regional workshops on monitoring during nuclear or radiological emergency IAEA ...