Publications 2018
The list of publications of the Chornobyl Center staff in 2018
- Гащак С. П. Позвоночные животные Чернобыльской зоны (Чернобыльского радиационно-экологического биосферного заповедника), включенные в Красную книгу Украины (2009 год) // Проблеми Чорнобильської зони відчуження. Наук.-техн. Збірник. − Славутич, 2018. − Вип. 18. − с. 5-54
- Nele Horemans, Robin Nauts, Jordi Vives i Batlle, May Van Hees et al. Genome-wide DNA methylation changes in two Brassicaceae species sampled alongside a radiation gradient in Chernobyl and Fukushima // Journal of Environmental Radioactivity (Accepted 4.07.2018 for publication)
- Beresford N. A., Barnett C. L., Gashchak S., Maksimenko A. Et al. Radionuclide transfer to wildlife at a «Reference Site» in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone and resultant radiation exposures (Accepted to Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 31-Oct-2017)
- Jessica Goodman, David Copplestone, Gennady Laptev, Sergey Gaschak et al. Variation in chronic radiation exposure does not drive life history divergence among Daphnia populations across the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone // (Journal of Ecology and Evolution, Accepted 31 Dec 2018)
The list of works that were taken to publication or were in operation at the end of 2018
- Paul Kendrick, Luciana Barçante, Nicholas A. Beresford, Sergey Gashchak et al. A new approach to quantifying bird vocal activity from audio recordings // Journal Plos One. – Jul 2018 (In progress)
- Newbold L. K., Robinson A., Rasnaca I., Gaschak S. et al. Genetic, epigenetic and microbiome characterisation of earthworms along a radiation exposure gradient at Chernobyl (In progress, Aug 2018).
- George Shaw, Elizabeth Bailey, Neil Crout, Sergey Gaschak et al. Analysis of 129I and 127I in soils of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, 29 years post-deposition // (In progress for Environmental Science & Technology, Dec 2018)