Maksymenko Andrii M. is a Deputy Director General of the Chornobyl Center.
He is an expert in radiation safety with the experience of work at the Ukrainian NPPs and in the field of the radiochemical analysis of radioactive isotopes in the environmental objects and in the radioactive waste from the nuclear power plants.
He has been repeatedly involved as an expert by the IAEA for training of the specialists from around the world in the field of radioecology and radiation safety.
He has a great experience in preparation and teaching the measurement methods of the radioactive isotopes content in the samples, management experience in and expert work in a number of the international projects, and development of the normative documents of the various levels. |
Maklyuk Juliya A., Ph.D., is a Senior Researcher of the Department of Industrial Ecology and Expertise of the Chornobyl Center.
She is a specialist in radiobiology and radioecology. She has an experience in molecular biology, cytogenetic and radiochemical analysis, laboratory field research. She has an experience in teaching the basics of radiobiology. |
Oskolkov Borys Ya., Ph.D., is a Head of the Department of Industrial Ecology and Expertise of the Chornobyl Center.
He is an expert on industrial ecology, assessment of the environmental impact of nuclear power plants during their normal operation, in the period after the severe accident and during the NPP decommissioning, on radioecology and radioactive waste management at the Chornobyl NPP, on organization and implementation of the radioecological and dosimetric monitoring. |
Glygalo Valerii M., Ph.D., is a Head of the Physical Protection Department of the Chornobyl Center.
He is an expert in nuclear and radiation safety and physical protection.
He has a great experience in development of the methodological and normative documents of the various levels, of the training manuals on nuclear and radiation safety.
He is an author of 14 inventions in the field of radiation technologies. |
Gashchak Sergiy P., Ph.D., is a Deputy Director of the International Radioecology Laboratory of the Chornobyl Center.
He is an expert in:
- the organization and holding of scientific research in the fields of the agricultural and wildlife radioecology;
- radioecology of biogeocenoses;
- radioecology of urbanized landscape;
- countermeasures in agricultural production;
- radiobiology of animals;
- population genetics;
- ecology of the cenosis;
- biodiversity and nature protection.
The Training Center has scientific and business contacts with a large number of the Ukrainian and foreign scientific and research organizations and with the individual scientists, so depending on the chosen topic of the training course they can be involved as experts and trainers. |