Knowledge dispels fear
“Only special knowledge can dissipate false statements and unfounded fear of nuclear power”, – say organizers of the specific training course for radioecologists that will take place since May 31 till June 2 in the Chornobyl Center’s International Radioecology Laboratory (Slavutych).
The training shall be organized by the Chornobyl Center and initiated by the youth division of the Hungarian Nuclear Society “Hungarian Youth for Nuclear (FINE)”, the purpose of which is to enlarge the youth’s knowledge about nuclear power. The organization includes students, young scientists of Budapest Technical University, young researchers of Atomic Energy Research Institute under the Hungarian Academy of Science, and young staff of the Paks NPP.Under the supervision of experienced radioecology experts including the IRL scientists and specialists, the students from Hungary will improve their practical skills using the unique natural laboratory – the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone.
The trainees will sample soil within the Exclusion Zone and further analyze the samples, improve their skills in radiation analyses and radiation safety. The Hungarian students will carry out radiation analyses of the samples together with the IRL specialists using the state-of-the-art laboratory equipment.
The experience gained will serve the young radioecologists not only as the basis for their future diploma works, but also it will help in their further professional research.
In the course of the training, the data for an educational and information documentary about the Chornobyl Zone will be collected. According to the Hungarian organizers of the training, such a documentary will be a useful educational tool for nuclear power experts and for the public as well. It will provide an objective overview on the situation in Chornobyl and at the Chornobyl NPP 19 years after the accident.
The trainees will also visit the Chotnobyl NPP, towns of Prypyat and Chornobyl.
Experience of the International Radioecology Laboratory staff and availability of up-to-date radioecological research equipment make possible delivery of training courses, international seminars, high-level scientific trainings for students and experts.