Author: Світлана Миколаївна Чеснокова
Development of Task Order for VVER-440 Units Decommissioning Project
Period: 2008-2009 Customer: SS “Scientific and Technical Center” Beneficiary: State Enterprise NNEGC “EnergoAtom”, SS Rivne NPP The project objective is development of a detailed task order (TO) for a VVER-440...
Project of Khmelnitsky NPP Unit 1 In-Depth Safety Assessment: Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA) of Internal Initiators – Phases 2&3
Period: 2006-2007 Customer: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), USA Beneficiary: SS Khmelnitsky NPP The following activities were performed within the project framework: final collection and correction of databases on the...
Project for Rivne NPP Unit 1 In-Depth Safety Assessment: Assessing The Rate of The Reactor Core Failures Caused by Internal Floods – Phase 1
Period: 2004-2007 Customer: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), USA Beneficiary: SS Rivne NPP The following activities were performed: development and approval of the Report ‘Correction of Project RPG-20 Manual’; development...
Project for Rivne NPP Unit 1 In-Depth Safety Assessment: Support to RNPP During The Surveys Performed to Obtain Detailed Data on Cable Layouts
Period: 2006-2007 Customer: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), USA Beneficiary: SS Rivne NPP The following activities were performed: development and approval of the task order (as a part of contractual...
Thermal and Hydraulic Analyses of Accidents at South Ukrainian NPP Unit 1 Using ‘ATHLET’ Program
Period: 2006–2007 Customer: Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH, Germany Beneficiary: SS South Ukrainian NPP The following was performed within the framework of the project: collection of output data...
Design Analytical Substantiation of Symptom-Oriented Emergency Instructions (SOEI) for Critical Safety Functions (CSF) Renewal at SU NPP Unit 1
Period: 2006-2007 Customer: SE NNEGC Energoatom Beneficiary: SS South Ukrainian NPP The Project objective was to formulate strategies to renew satisfactory condition of CSF and primary actions of personnel related...