Author: Світлана Миколаївна Чеснокова
Development of a Set of Documents on Process Technology of Capital Repair of Reactor Equipment for SVO-1 Filter Container of T-3134 Type, SGO Filter Adsorber of 05.82.0645.00.00 Type
Period: 2009 Customer: SS Khmelnytsky NPP / SE NNEGC “Energoatom” The following works are being performed within the framework of the project: development of a set of documents on process...
Analysis of Regulatory Environment of Ukraine on Issues relating to NPP Decommissioning and Development of a List of Missing Normative Documents (ND)
Period: 2009 (in progress) Customer: SS “Scientific and Technical Center” / SE NNEGC “Energoatom” The following works are being performed within the framework of the project: analysis of regulatory environment...
Performance of Substantiation of RAW Safety Storage at Sites during Operation of Power Units at Above-Design Lifetime
Period: 2009 Customer : SS South Ukrainian NPP / SE NNEGC “Energoatom” Contents of the necessary services during project execution: collection, study and analysis of design documentation; carrying out of...
Revision of the Effective Instructions
Period: 2008 Customer: SS “Khmelnitsky NPP”, SS “Rivne NPP” Beneficiary: State Enterprise NNEGC “EnergoAtom” The task order includes the following scope of activities: 1. Revision of the effective instructions on...
Development of Radiation Survey Programs for Rivne NPP Units 1,2
Period: 2008 Customer: State Enterprise NNEGC “EnergoAtom” SS “Rivne NPP” The project objective is development, technical support and agreement of the following documents: “Programs for Radiation Survey of Equipment, Pipelines...
Development of Requirements for Structure and Contents of Radiation Protection Program and Environmental Monitoring During NPP Power Unit Decommissioning
Period: 2008 Customer: SS “Scientific and Technical Center” State Enterprise NNEGC “EnergoAtom”, NPPs of Ukraine The project objective is realization of the state policy on ensuring radiation security during NPP...