Author: Світлана Миколаївна Чеснокова
EDEN Large Scale Demonstration in Pripyat
On 17 May 2016, the international training named “Radiation Survey and Radiation Protection in Radioactively Contaminated Urban Area” was started in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone. The training objective is to...
Scientific and technical cluster shall train experts for the energy sector
On April 27, 2016, Dr. Mykhailo Bondarkov, Director General of the Chornobyl Center, signed the MEMORANDUM ON COOPERATION AND INTENTIONS to create a scientific and technical cluster for training and...
The Chornobyl Center is 20 years old!
Dear Colleagues and Partners! I heartily congratulate you on the 20th anniversary of the Chornobyl Center! We have come a long and interesting way together to establish and develop our...
Young Scientists are Growing Up
As a scientific institution, Chornobyl Center pays great attention to the young people, who start engaging into research activities. Dr. Julia Maklyuk, Academic Secretary, provides consultations to the pupils and...
Radioactive Waste Management in Ukraine: State and Prospects
On March 11, 2016, the State Agency for Exclusion Zone Management (SA EZM) organized a round table, which was dedicated to the issue of radioactive waste management (RAW) in Ukraine....
What the science should be within the Chornobyl zone?
The problem of reviving scheduled scientific research and development within the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone (ChEZ) was discussed during the roundtable under the chairmanship of Mr. Vitalii Petruk, Head of the...