Assessing Peculiarities of Radionuclides Accumulation in Links of Trophic Chains
Period: 2003
Customer: Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, University of Georgia, USA
Objective: comparative mathematical analysis of distribution peculiarities of 90Sr and 137Cs accumulation in links of trophic chains (a trophic chain including 4 elements: soil, a plant ( Molinia caerulea), an insect ( Camponotus vagus), an amphibian ( Pelobates fuscus) was chosen as a model).
Results of the project:
- It was discovered that all links of a trophic chain have logarithmically normal nature of radionuclides accumulation distribution level. Nevertheless, there was a regular decrease of excess (Crt) and asymmetry (Asm) indices in the following chain: soil–plant– animal, i.e. we could observe a levelling of trophic chains links contamination.
- The comparison results for corresponding “soil–plant” pairs demonstrated that specific activity of 90Sr increases by a factor of 3.4, and specific activity of 137Cs – by a factor of 9.1. The content of 90Sr in toads increased (at the expense of bone tissue), and 137Cs content somewhat decreased.
Acting Director General
Acting Director General
Director of International Radioecology Laboratory
Mykhailo D. Bondarkov
+38 04579 2 44 88
Fax +38 04579 6-15-62
Mykhailo D. Bondarkov

Fax +38 04579 6-15-62