Young Scientists are Growing Up
As a scientific institution, Chornobyl Center pays great attention to the young people, who start engaging into research activities. Dr. Julia Maklyuk, Academic Secretary, provides consultations to the pupils and students, who investigate ecological issues.
Young scientists of Slavutych annually meet at their forum, i.e. scientific and practical conference of the pupils of 8-11 grades. This year, it was held for the fifth time on April 14. Traditionally, experts of the Chornobyl Center are members of the conference’s honorary committee, provide advice and information support.
This year young scientists presented their researches into causes and consequences of the Chornobyl disaster, problems of energy efficiency and energy saving, history of international conflicts and development of parliamentary system in Ukraine. Several interesting studies dealt with architectural distinctiveness of Slavutych being the youngest town in our country.
According to tradition, awardees and winners of the town-level competition in confirmation of the papers prepared by pupils-members of the Ukrainian Junior Academy of Sciences (JAS), get their awards during the conference. In 2012-2016, Slavutych prepared 42 winners of the regional-level JAS competition and one winner of the all-Ukrainian level.
Big science begins with small studies; so we wish Slavutych researchers more success!