It was signed the contract between International Radioecology Laboratory (IRL) and Institute of the radiological protection and nuclear safety (IRSN, France)
It was signed the contract between International Radioecology Laboratory (IRL) and Institute of the radiological protection and nuclear safety (IRSN, France) about joint scientific and research work in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone in 2011-2012.
This contract includes implementation of three subprojects:
- “Soil toxicology – Impact on ascaris variety”, where it will be studied long-term radiation impact on ascaris population of the Chornobyl Zone and also will be given an evaluation of genetic diversity and correlation with level of the areas radiation pollution.
- “Radiological effects on ecosystem functioning – leaf litter reduction”. Objective of this project is the study of radiation pollution effect on leaf litter reduction in forests and streams of the Chornobyl Zone, interrelation revelation of this effect with litter habitant mushrooms, bacteria and invertebrates.
- “Search of membrane transporters, participating in transfer of radionuclides in plants” where it will be estimated transition coefficient of radionuclides (137Cs, 90Sr, 241Am, 238,239,240Pu, 234,238U) from the soil into the tissues of model plant Arabidopsis thaliana.
Specialist of IRL and IRSN started to perform the contract and now productively working on the implementation of these projects.